Average Rates Now Grouped by Unit Type (Parking, Standard, Climate Controlled)


With Explorer you can now get an even better understanding of rates in any market. Explorer now offers a breakdown of average rates grouped by unit type, enabling you to compare the average rates in the market for units that are Climate Controlled, Standard/Regular or Parking only. You can also compare the aggregate average rate across all unit types. This breakdown will provide you with better insight and understanding of rate trends in the market, factoring out rates for higher-priced units which might be driving the average rates up.

These changes are now live and available across the Explorer platform for users with active access to a market (ie. if you have recently purchased a Market Report) and to users with an active Unlimited subscription.


About Explorer

Explorer is StorTrack’s market analysis platform for self-storage operators, investors and developers. Explorer is available for the evaluation of any primary, secondary and tertiary market in the US, Canada and the UK.

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