Print and Save As PDF Now Available in StorTrack

November 2018

At StorTrack we understand you rely on our market data to make crucial decisions for your business – whether it’s knowing how to adjust your store’s pricing strategy or evaluating a new site for investment. StorTrack’s data helps thousands like you to make quick and smart decisions. We know being able to have this data at your fingertips, for presentations and reports, is very important to you. We have heard your feedback and are excited to announce a new feature which enables you to download and print any page on your StorTrack Online account, directly to and from your computer. No more cumbersome copy/paste or screenshots!

To download as a PDF, simply click on the PDF icon at the top of the page you wish to save:

The system will then generate a PDF of the page in seconds. Save these directly to your desktop or send them to your printer.


Thank you for all your feedback. We strive to make StorTrack an application that is valuable and easy-to-use for all our users.